Dealing with Exhaustion and Burnout

Dealing with Exhaustion and Burnout


Is it a funk, is it exhaustion, is it burnout? What’s happening here? Why am I still in bed at lunchtime?

Just a few of the things that have been going through my head this past week. I had another podcast episode planned for today but it didn’t feel right.

So instead, Richie and I are chatting about burnout and what it is is like when your body kicks in and tells you that you NEED to slow down.

My hope in sharing this episode is that it encourages others to take that day off, switch off the phone, ask for help, and most importantly, REST!

A few things discussed in this episode:

  • Struggling to find my flow after the school holidays.

  • Social media envy and the desire to have a ‘ “new thing”.

  • The excitement and stress of a new studio space.

  • The gift of a whole day in bed - guilt free!

  • Making administrative changes to encourage more rest.

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